What Is Dustless Blasting and How Does It Work?

If you would like to clean your surfaces one of these days, you’ll soon realize that the number of available options can be quite overwhelming. However, one option that would work well on just about any surface is something called dustless blasting.

Dustless blasting is a paint removal and cleaning method that can easily remove paint from your surfaces without creating a big plume of dust in the area. So, what exactly is dustless blasting and how does it work?

Dustless blasting can be defined as a combination of power-washing and sandblasting that involves a mix of water and mild abrasive. By using water, our professionals drastically increase the amount of mass and energy being used throughout the process while suppressing dust at the same time.

Although the method is strong enough to leave its mark on black granite (one of the hardest materials in the world), it’s also so gentle that it can be used on just about any surface out there, including wood.

What Is the Main Purpose of Dustless Blasting?

Dustless blasting is mainly used as a surface-cleaning method. Some of the most common ways in which dustless cleaning can be used include:

·        Brick paint removal and paint removal off metal

·        Rust removal and automobile restoration

·        Graffiti removal and pool calcium removal

·        Wood restoration and stripping

·        Powder coat and paint removal

Whether your surfaces are made of wood, black granite, or just about any other material you can think of, dustless blasting allows you to etch a custom design into your stuff. If you’re a business owner and would like to leave a great first impression on your potential customers, you should consider giving our professional dustless blasting etching services a try.

Is It Actually Dustless?

Dustless blasting does a great job of suppressing the plume of dust, thus allowing you to perform the method just about anywhere with minimal containment. Perhaps this is the biggest difference between dustless blasting and sandblasting, with the latter possibly filling the entire area with airborne substances.

Although dustless blasting is always a great option, we can’t say that it’s magical either. After all, the things that go into the machine must come out and won’t just disappear into thin air. However, when compared to sandblasting, dustless blasting is essentially dustless, as the number of particles that fly up into the air is pretty much insignificant.

Does It Warp Metal Surfaces?

One of the best things about dustless blasting is that it doesn’t cause any warping when being performed on metal surfaces. Warping only occurs when the temperature of the metal surface in question increases due to friction caused by dry abrasive.

You don’t need to worry about this happening to your metal surfaces, as both friction and heat are significantly reduced by the wonderful combination of water and mild abrasive. The water eliminates the friction and without friction, there’s no heat either.

If you would like to have dustless blasting performed on one of your surfaces, feel free to contact our team of professionals at any time. We’re always ready to clean your surfaces using the most dustless method available today!


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