Why Dustless Blasting Is Better Than Pressure Washing
There’s no doubt that some surface restoration tasks require more intense cleaning than others, which is why there are several different options people can choose from when it comes to this kind of thing. One option that has proven to be extremely effective is called dustless blasting, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the most commonly used dust and dirt removal technique in the world. This is because another cleaning method called pressure washing has become quite common over the years.
image courtesy of (https://www.dustlessblasting.com/)
The Difference Between Dustless Blasting and Pressure Washing
When it comes to the act of stripping surfaces, dustless blasting works like a charm. The reason why it does such a good job with it lies in the fact that not only does this technique removes impurities but it also controls contaminants and dust particles. With this in mind, if you want to get rid of graffiti, old coatings of paint, or just about anything similar that you can think of, dustless blasting is the way to go.
Dustless blasting uses a combination of the right amount of water and abrasive collected from surfaces. The main purpose of water is to prevent the abrasive from launching dust particles and other contaminants into the air during the process. It does a great job of gathering both dirt and debris, making the restoration process so much easier for everyone involved. This technique can be used on all sorts of surfaces, including wood, concrete, metal, and more.
As far as pressure washing goes, is not as eco-friendly as dustless blasting either because while pressure washers require anywhere between 2,000 and 3,000 PSI, dustless blasters only use between 30 and 150 PSI so pressure washing uses much more water which isn’t as friendly for the environment. Pressure washing is a good way to clean and take care of many different types of surfaces and like dustless blasting, this method doesn’t use any additional chemical restoration solutions making it a great option if you want to keep contaminants from getting launched into the air during the restoration process. Pressure washing can be used for taking care of things like dust, paint, cobwebs, and other contaminants.
However, the main disadvantage of pressure washing is that it’s not always the most effective way to properly clean and strip surfaces, which is especially true if the surface in question needs to have its old coating of paint removed. Pressure washing is an economical choice for smaller cleanup jobs while dustless blasting is more effective and efficient. In this case, pressure washing can be used in conjunction with dustless blasting, and pressure washing can serve the purpose of removing blast media from the ground.
Which One Is the Right Option for You?
When compared to pressure washing, dustless blasting can provide you with a more effective way of restoring your surfaces and preparing them for a new paint job. This method also gets the job done more quickly, thus effectively helping save some of your precious time. On top of that, dustless blasting doesn’t warp metal or any other surfaces, which isn’t really the case with traditional sandblasting.
It's also important to note that dustless blasters require less water than pressure washers. As stated above, the PSI that pressure washing entails is much greater. Dustless blasting only consumes about 20 gallons of water per hour, compared to 120-480 gallons per hour with an average power washer. This is because the abrasive does most of the work, so you don’t need to worry about staying connected to a consistent source of water throughout the whole process.
That being said, dustless blasting is likely the better option and if you’re looking for a good team of technicians who would be willing to do it for you, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our professionals will show up at your doorstep and they’ll be ready to perform the action right there and then! Atlanta Blasting Professionals is the way to go if you’re looking for dustless blasting in Atlanta Georgia! Click the contact button at the top right of your screen or call us today.